Because I HATE having to explain myself…..

I have decided that since I HATE having to explain myself to the blogging world as a whole about my nickname “BITRCountryGirl” that I am going back to blogger.  I have been considering this move for a little while since a bunch of people told me in their comments that they thought that I was “bitter” instead of “bitr” and everytime I wanted to leave a comment on certain blogs that I visit I had to login to do so, which is SUPER frustrating by the way.  For those who have been following for a while I apologize and can totally understand if you choose to quit following my blog.  I’m just not happy with a lot of things about my current blog….That I can’t change certain things about my current blog….so I’m going to where I CAN change things as I feel they need to be changed.

The new address for Have Inspiration….Will Travel is:

P.S. If blogger eats this new blog again….well I guess blogging and I just weren’t meant to be.


Taking an extended Blogging Break




Here I was all excited about my upcoming giveaway and then my parents drop a FUCKING HUGE ASS bomb on me…..This afternoon we’re putting Shawna to sleep….that was after my father had already left for work and was giggling about the fact that “she” (who turned out to be Shawna) looks at my mom with her head cocked to one side.  Not nowing who they were talking about I told my dad that he was in trouble when my mom told him it wasn’t funny.  I guess he’s finally getting his wish….he told me a couple weeks ago that he thought she should be put down before we get to far into this winter.  So now I’ve been crying for over an hour, I’m pissed as fucking hell at the whole world and I just want this day to have never happened.

So I will be taking an extended blogging vacation to figure some things out in my head.  I may be back here at this address or I may be back at blogger….God only knows I can never seem to make up my mind.  The only thing about this blog that I don’t like is that people out there in the blogging world see my “handle” bitrcountrygirl and actually think that I am bitter….which I’m not.  Where ever I end up at I’ll come find all my blogging pals again. 


Til then,


Thank You’s

Thank you to all the ladies who stopped by yesterday from SITS for “Open Letter” day.  I’ll be coming back to visit your blogs later.  Was a bad night at work last night and I’m going to bed.  I’ll “see” you all later.


An Open Letter to “Mother Nature”

Today is open letter day on SITS, here is mine.  Short and sweet.  I actually wrote this awhile ago but never actually posted it.

Dear “Mother Nature,”

Why must you do this to me?  I really don’t enjoy being “tortured” for several days once a month – I really hate the “Beached Whale” feeling too.  I’m sure that the people around me don’t enjoy me becoming a borderline homicidal manic either.   I Though they all seem to have a death wish at the time.  So please explain to me why we women have to suffer like this?  It’s totally uncool and quite frankly it’s borderline cruel.  So I’m going to hold a long-time grudge and leave you with this……To quote Happy Bunny…..You Suck and THAT’s Sad.

An unhappy “customer”

My new favorite Jason Aldean song – She’s Country

He’s got some other really great songs but I can hardly WAIT to see the actual video for this song!

Recipe Tuesday!

Microwave Cashew Brittle


1 cup sugar

1/2 cup white corn syrup

1 cup cashews

1 teaspoon butter

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1 teaspoon baking soda


In 1 1/2 qt. casserole, stir together sugar and syrup.  Microwave on HIGH for 4 minutes.  Stir in cashews.  Microwave on high 3-5 minutes only until light brown.  Add butter and vanilla, blending well.  Microwave on high 1-2 minutes more.  Nuts will be lightly browned and syrup VERY HOT!  Add baking soda ans stir gently until light and foamy.  Pour onto lightly greased cookie sheet.  Cool 30-60 minutes.  Break into small pieces and store in airtight container.

NOTE: You can sub 1 cup salted peanuts, or 1 cup pecan halves, or 1 cup dry roasted almonds.

More recipes can be found at The BITRCountryGirl Cooks as well.

A few new Idea’s for here at “Have Inspiration….Will Travel”


I’ve been thinking about things that I could do on my blog to keep things more “interesting.”  I guess you could call it a sort of blog content “makeover.” So here are some of my ideas so far:

  • At the end of each month I will do a post that features all of the new commentors on my blog to say “thank you” for stopping by and leaving some comment love on Have Inspiration….Will Travel.
  • Friday here is always my day to post my blessings for the week.
  • Saturday and Sunday are going to be my “off” days…NO posts on either of these two days.
  • Monday will be “My Weekend Was Great Because”
  • Tuesday will be “Recipe tuesday”….which can also be found on my cooking blog The BITRCountryGirl Cooks
  • Wednesday will be “Weigh In Wednesday” on my weight loss progress page 
  • Thursday will be “Wordless Thursday”…..Well I hope I can keep it wordless anyway
  • I’m also trying to come up with an idea for a give away so please keep checking back for further details.

Would You Rather….

I chose a “few” of the many “would you rather’s” from the list cause there is only sooo many hours in the day and sooo much more I have left to get done before the day is done.

1. Would you rather eat a cockroach or a bull nut?

Bull nut….or Rocky Mountain Oyster to some.  Not sure I could eat an insect….Are cockroaches insects?

2. Would you rather find true love or 1 million dollars?

My true love who happens to be a millionaire.

3. Would you rather always have to say everything on your mind or never speak again?

I’m ok with never speaking again….Sometimes I think talking is overrated anyway.

4. Would you rather know it all or have it all?

Have it all…Could live WITHOUT a few things but still….I’d rather have it all.

5. Would you rather have dinner with the Obamas or go on a date wiith George Clooney?

Dinner with the Obama’s AT the White House….and I get to choose what’s on the menu.

6. Would you rather use the woods or a port-o-potty?

Woods totally….God only knows what’s gone down in that port-a-potty.

7. Would you rather drown in Coke or Pepsi?

Pepsi, please.

8. Would you rather be stranded on an island alone or with someone you hate?

Alone please….I like my “me” time…I don’t get enough of it.

9. As a blogger, would you rather be famous like Dooce and too busy to really connect with bloggers, or not so famous and have connections?

Not famous.

10. Would you rather eat opossum roadkill (thats been jacked up) or bambi?

Bambi…hands down….good eating they are!

Girls just wanna have fun!

So I’ve introduced everyone to our “Wrecking Crew” in The “Wrecking Crew” part 1 and The “Wrecking Crew” part 2.


Well the girls found out that I posted all about their “quirks” and were more than just a little bit upset by it.  So here is what they had to “say” about my posts:

Shawna from The “Wrecking Crew” part 1:

1.  So I ate the couch…are you ever going to let that go?

2. I’m sorry I ate your bed and some of your stuffed animals but when you send me to the groomer in all my long haired glory and I come back looking like this:


Your bed and your stuffed animals deserve a little chewing on.  I look like a big black sheep…NOT cool!

3. I really can’t help it that my nose keeps ending up in the trash….I try to be good but sometimes it’s just hard.

4. I’m sorry I drank from the toilet right before I shared all of this with you too.

Now here we have Laci from The “Wrecking Crew” part 2:

1. I’m a small dog so I have a small bladder….You have to admit I’ve gotten better recently about not going on the carpet in the living room.

2. Boys are ICKY….Hence why I’m luke warm on them.

3. I really can’t help it that my previous owner didn’t feel the need to invest in obedience classes for me….You still love me right?

4. I don’t like to be by myself because I’d rather spend time with you….does that make me a “bad” dog?

5. I’m sorry I snore and hog the bed too.


Well there you have it….straight from the “crews” mouths.  They are soooo weird but we love them just the same.



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