Repost: My Postcard Challenge

At my now deleted by Blogger, blogger blog I issued a challenge of sorts to collect a post card (or a couple) from each of the 50 states/other countries as well.  Now that I’m here at wordpress I am still going to be doing the challenge just at a different location.  So here are the specifics/”rules” for the challenge:

1. If you would like to participate please e-mail me at for my mailing information, oh and please let me know what state too please.

2. Please feel free to write a little something about your state on the card(s), fun little facts, are their any famous people from your state, etc.  Please keep it clean though of course.

3. I will be giving this away at the end. Once all the cards have been acquired someone out there in blogland is going to have the chance to win all these wonderful works of art from all over…sort of a mini geography lesson of sorts.

4. If you have any other questions please feel free to email me at and I’ll get back to you ASAP.
Since I can’t get back to my blogger blog I hope I’ve covered everything.  Just remember e-mail me if if you have any questions or would like to play along.

Would You Rather….

I chose a “few” of the many “would you rather’s” from the list cause there is only sooo many hours in the day and sooo much more I have left to get done before the day is done.

1. Would you rather eat a cockroach or a bull nut?

Bull nut….or Rocky Mountain Oyster to some.  Not sure I could eat an insect….Are cockroaches insects?

2. Would you rather find true love or 1 million dollars?

My true love who happens to be a millionaire.

3. Would you rather always have to say everything on your mind or never speak again?

I’m ok with never speaking again….Sometimes I think talking is overrated anyway.

4. Would you rather know it all or have it all?

Have it all…Could live WITHOUT a few things but still….I’d rather have it all.

5. Would you rather have dinner with the Obamas or go on a date wiith George Clooney?

Dinner with the Obama’s AT the White House….and I get to choose what’s on the menu.

6. Would you rather use the woods or a port-o-potty?

Woods totally….God only knows what’s gone down in that port-a-potty.

7. Would you rather drown in Coke or Pepsi?

Pepsi, please.

8. Would you rather be stranded on an island alone or with someone you hate?

Alone please….I like my “me” time…I don’t get enough of it.

9. As a blogger, would you rather be famous like Dooce and too busy to really connect with bloggers, or not so famous and have connections?

Not famous.

10. Would you rather eat opossum roadkill (thats been jacked up) or bambi?

Bambi…hands down….good eating they are!

My would you rather post…..

I am going to be a follower of TattooedMiniVanMom’s  and do a “would you rather” post either tomorrow (monday) or tuesday at the very latest.  I’ve seen some of the questions and I can hardly wait to get this posted!  Y’all should go check out TattooedMiniVanMom she’s just AWESOME and NOT afraid to use “colorful” language on her blog….well it is her’s after all.

So I’ve been working on knitting my mom a scarf for Christmas…she likes to go out and take pictures with her digital camera so I figured I’d help keep her a little bit warmer this winter. I started it on Friday morning and it’s slow going but it’s going.

Wednesday I’m going to go be “tortured” by our new family dentist.  Have I ever mentioned the fact that I HATE going to the dentist?  Our old one was first cousin to the devil I swear to you…I think he made it his personal mission in life to cause MORE pain than you walked in there with.  I hope this new dentist isn’t like that….My mom seems really impressed with him so we’ll see.

On to sad news…..I think I’m getting sick.  I really hope it’s a false alarm but I’ve got the “burning ring of fire” going on in my throat that usually happends when I’m going to get sick.  My eye’s burn and itch and I’ve been extra crabby (to the point that I told someone at work last night flat out that if they didn’t shut up I was going to plant my sneaker up where the sun don’t shine.)  If I am getting sick I’m not looking forward to it….I got a bunch of Cold drugs on my way home from work….I hope that helps some.

Well I’m off to knit some more and make suck on a couple of cough drops before I go to bed.


I gall darn gone and done it….

I went and put my blog in the “kitty” to be a Featured Blog on The Secret Is In The Sauce.  I’m not going to tell you exactly which posts I nominated but I hope you enjoy them if and when my day finally comes.

I’ve created a work of fiction

I’ve done something I’ve been thinking about doing for a little while.  Basically since my good buddy Terri posted this confession with us all on her blog not all that long ago, I decided that I wanted to try my hand at writing some fiction.  So I went ahead and started another blog that is specifically for my fictional (I think I have better success with fiction than I do with non-fiction sometimes) “journal” for my fictional character.  I’ve only got a couple posts up so far but feel free to drop by and give me some feedback.

Basically this fictional “journal” is for a country girl who is dealing with the trials and tribulations of not only being the only daughter of a Texas cattle rancher (I’m not quite sure why I chose Texas but it sure seemed to fit) but also the ONLY female offspring on both sides of her family. “JD” (that’s what everyone calls my character) also has 7 brothers to contend with as well.  I don’t want to give away too much so I’m just going to say that you have to stop by and keep checking back for new installments.

You can find this work of fiction at: (I hope blogger doesn’t eat my blog again…That would totally be discouraging.)  I’ve also added it to my blogroll here….It’s titled Born and Raised In The Boondocks.


It’s the small things that are making me happy….

I’ve added a couple more pages to my blog again.  One is about the upcoming trip to Nampa, Idaho and the other is a page full of some of my favorite posts.  I’ll be updating those pages pretty often so please keep checking them out to see if anything new has been added.  You just never know what you might find! 😉


Yesterday, my mom finally broke down and went out and bought a crate for the “Little Blonde Bomber.”  She’s gotten into a pretty bad habit of peeing on the carpet in our living room and it finally got to the point that something had to be done ASAP.  She doesn’t like being in there at all but we can totally tell that she’s been crated before because once she’s in there she just lies down and goes to sleep.  We thought she’d howl and cry and carry on but there’s been none of that at all so far.

Going to be putting another recipe up on the cooking blog today also.  I haven’t made this recipe in a while and it’s pretty simple for those out there that don’t cook a lot.  So please keep checking back at The BITRCountryGirl Cooks for the updates.

If anyone out there knows of any good coupon/money saving blogs/webpages please send them my way.  With the way our economy is right now I’m looking for every resource I can possibly find to help myself save some money on my basic everyday needs.  That and who DOESN’T like to save themselves some money every now and then?

I’m super excited this week I only work two of my regular 4 day rotation.  I took off for the last two days of the PBR World Finals and my dad also turns 50 on Sunday so I took off for that also.  It’s the little things that are making me happy right now.  Is that weird?

I’ve posted about this before but I’m going to put it out there again….I’m in the process of trying to acquire a postcard (or a couple) from each of the 50 states and even internationally too.  You can click here to read more about the challenge and what is going to happen after I have gotten all the postcards.

Betty check out the post before this one!

I just wanted to apologize for getting pretty lax on commenting back to those who have left comments on my blog.  That was never my intention when I started blogging at all.  I wanted to be able to go and visit everybody and leave a ton of comments but lack of time and “real” life have prevented that from happening recently.  I just want to say that I appreciate everybody who stops by and leaves me a comment and that I’m going try and get better about commenting back on your pages too.

Plus, on a happier note, I got my photography glitch figured out on my cooking blog and my original snickerdoodle post is up and running again.  I’m looking for things to make this week so I can keep addding to it.

Feeburner Stuff….

I fixed my feedburner information. Now if you subscribe to Have Inspiration….Will Travel you will actually get the feeds from this blog and not from my old blog Bumps In The Road. Just wanted to let you all know so if your interested you’ll get the right feed.


A little idea of what my blog will hopefully look like

So as I’ve posted before I’m having my blog redone by Nap Warden Designs.  I had some pretty neat idea’s for how I wanted my blog to look and I can hardly wait to see what NW comes up with from my emails (which were mostly written when I was tired….meaning they may not always have made sense).  I’m having a button made that you can add to your blog to link back to me….I’ve seen this done on some of the blogs that I frequent and I really liked the idea.  My theme for my blog is most definately country….being as I am a country girl who just happends to be stuck in town.  The color scheme that i’ve asked for is more of a southwestern feel.  I’m also incorporating my all time favorite Bible verse into my blog too….If you want to check it out it’s Hebrews 13:2.  I don’t want to tell too much and give all the suprises away so I’m just going to stop there!

Have a great weekend for me!

I spent last night at work doing 18 hours worth of Softlines Reshop while I was there.  Please if you feel the need to have a cold one….have one for me too please.  Also, getting my stuff together for my blog designer so hopefully really soon the look of the place will change again!